The quick and "easy" medicine of gratitude
Gratitude is a practice, not an accident. Like all practices sometimes it is easier to access than others. However, it is certainly always available to us. And, goodness, it is nourishing! When we make conscious time to turn our thoughts towards gratitude, we are rewarded with the sweetest medicine.
To help you connect a little to your own gratitude, here is a little guided meditation for Thanksgiving 2020. It has been for many a very complicated year and being grateful might feel like a particular struggle.
Case in point, it was very difficult for me to find a spare moment to record this because of all the “fullness” of my life right now. In different times it would certainly be more polished and better recorded. Still, I submit it in all its imperfections, and I remain grateful for the ability to share the gifts of my spirit with you, fellow traveler.
May it shift our perspective a bit towards beautiful humility and our deep connection to all things good.
Bonus idea: Make ART! Use the template provided to draw, write, color, or collage your gratitude tree. Then hang your art somewhere where you will see it when you need reminding of just how grateful you are.
roots- what or who nourishes me?
trunk- what or who supports me?
branches- what or who calls me to grow?
leaves- what or who receives my gifts?
Bonus, bonus idea! Do a little gratitude ritual/practice that I like to call Gratitude Gulps.
Simple instructions; When you drink water today, for every sip you take bring to mind a person, place, asspect, experience, or thing that you are grateful for. No wrong answers and be silent about it, no one needs to know. Just drink your water like normal, while thinking of things you are thankful for. Easy.
The goal is to be quickly refreshed, in body and spirit.