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Hello Clients and Colleagues,

I am so excited to return to seeing clients (old and new).

As you might know, I’ve been away on maternity leave. Baby Sage was born two weeks after his due date in late May. He has been healthy and happy from the start. While we have had an awesome time bonding and laying on the couch together, I am so looking forward to getting back into working with those in transition.

For my therapy clients
My therapy practice focuses on couples and individuals in times of change. Sessions will again take place at the PassageWay Arts office in North East Austin on Tuesday evenings and Thursdays.

To book a therapy appointment visit the counseling page of my website or use the button below. 

Request Appointment


For my celebrant clients
Celebrant clients who are interested in booking baby blessings, weddings, memorial service, home cleansings, or other ceremonies this fall should fill out this form.

As I return to my practice, I will continue to take on new clients – if you know someone who might benefit from my services, please feel free to forward this newsletter or share it as you see fit.

Thank you for your encouragement, patience, and well wishes while I took this break from my practice. I feel fortunate to have been able to take this maternity leave. It has been a season of healing and incorporating Sage into our family.


Genevieve Saenz, MA, LMFT-A