Today we ask the archetype of

The Magician

to provide us with clarity. 

Widen your perspective. 

Take a moment to look at this collection of images before you read the meaning.

Pictured are samples of this card from several decks. My own watercolor interpretation on the left and then cards from my collection ( left to right top to bottom); The Illuminated Tarot by Catherine Keegan, Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle, Klimt Tarot by Lo Scarabeo, Zillich Tarot by Christine Zillich, 5ct Tarot by Madam Clara, White Sage Tarot by Theresa Hutch, Ridder White Golden Deck

The Wandering Moon Tarot on my altar

“It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see”
— - Henry David Thoreau

Here is what I think… The Magician is always juggling an act of creation, pulling only from what is on the table and reimagining or transmuting it into various forms. This shape-shifting is a reminder that we are also always juggling. We take the materials life has handed to us, add spiritual force, and make our lives into a collection of stories and artifacts. The magician is our invitation to manifest and make what was once just an idea, a reality.

  • as above so below

  • transformation

  • manifestation

  • Positive thinking

ENVISION the question.

The Magician asks…

What magic will you do?

We are going to do a little magic. If you would like to join, this audio will lead you through a little ceremony for release and renewal using the four elements of the tarot; air, earth, water, and fire.
Pick an item from your surroundings to symbolize each element. No need to overthink this some examples could include; chimes, ribbons, feathers, stones, plants, fruit, cups, sprays, water bottles, candles, flashlights, or mirrors. You could even just grab objects that are the color that you associate with each element. Do what feels right.

When your clarity meets your conviction and you apply action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.”
— Lisa Nichols


In your journal, reflect on your other writings… What do you release?


TAROT BONUS: If you have a tarot deck and want to explore more about how the magician can function in certain areas of your life, look at the minor arcana aces.

Ace of pentacles for clarity around work/money/family - What do I have to work with?
Ace of swords for clarity around mental issues - How do I want to shape my thoughts?
Ace of wands for clarity around creative and spiritual things- When am I most lit up by life?
Ace of cups for clarity around love and connection- With whom could I let more love flow?

Is it making sense yet?

Hi Friend, I offer one-on-one Card Based Coaching Sessions if you want more clarity on this or any other issue. I would happily use my insight to help you uncover hidden truths. -Genevieve